The Veilguard Fixes Inquisition’s Biggest Annoyance — No More Cut-Off Banter

It’s been a whole decade since Dragon Age: Inquisition came out in 2014. Ten long years for BioWare to hear us loud and clear—and they finally did! Remember One of the most annoying problems in Inquisition when Companion banter getting cut off mid-sentence? You know what I’m talking about, right? Well, it looks like they’ve fixed that in the upcoming Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Here’s the the short version of story: Now in Veilguard, your companions won’t just cut their chit-chat when you get thrown into combat or when a cutscene hijacks the screen.

Nope. They’ll actually pause their conversation, and once the dust settles, they’ll pick up right where they left off.

It’s like they’re saving the drama for later, so you won’t miss a thing!

Finally, No More Missed Banter—Yes, Please!

Now, if you played Inquisition (and I’m betting you did), you’ll remember the agony of losing those little gems of conversation because—bam!—you accidentally stumbled into some enemies, or worse, the requisition officer wanted to talk about his totally urgent supplies.

Honestly, if that guy had a nickel for every time he interrupted prime banter, he’d probably be on vacation in Antiva by now.

IGN spilled the beans on this new feature in a preview.

Veilguard’s creative director, John Epler, even took to Bluesky to say that adding resumable banter was one of his favorite little quality-of-life fixes.

He got the idea from State of Decay back in the day, and it’s been popping up in other games ever since. And seriously, it’s about time Dragon Age got the memo!

If you’re like me, muscle memory probably kicks in the second you hear banter.

You freeze—don’t move, don’t breathe, don’t even blink—because you’re terrified of cutting them off.

Who knew playing an RPG would turn us into statues?

Well, with this new system, that’s history. Now you can keep doing your thing without having to worry about missing out on your companions’ witty back-and-forth.

I can still remember this one time in Inquisition when Varric was dropping some snarky wisdom, and then out of nowhere—we were Ambushed by enemies.

Of course, I missed the rest of the convo, and to this day, I’m still wondering what joke I missed.

It’s like when you’re about to hear the punchline of a joke and someone pulls the fire alarm. Not cool.

But in Veilguard? No biggie. Your squad will patiently wait until you’re done slaying demons or doing whatever world-saving stuff you’re up to. And when the coast is clear, they’ll finish their thought.

It’s a small tweak, sure, but it’s going to make a huge difference for all of us who live for those little moments of character development and banter.

And hey, we won’t have to wait too much longer to see it for ourselves. Dragon Age: The Veilguard is dropping on October 31st.

This time, without missing a beat. I can’t wait to hear what Varric’s got to say without a enemies attack cutting him off!

Ishan Bodana is a dedicated gamer with a passion for exploring and analyzing diverse video games, offering thoughtful insights through his writing.