Is GTA 6 Delayed Again? New Rumors Point to 2026 Release Date

Well, it looks like our wait for GTA 6 just got a whole lot longer. Yep, you might want to sit down for this one—word is, Rockstar’s pushing the game’s release to 2026. I know, I know, at this point, we’ll probably be playing it alongside flying cars and robot dogs.

According to a writer over at GTABase, Rockstar has quietly delayed Grand Theft Auto 6 until early-to-mid 2026.

Kinda wild, right? I mean, we’ve known this game was in the works for what feels like a decade. And we’re almost a year out from that glorious first trailer they dropped at the end of 2023.

Since then? Crickets.

And it leaves all of us asking the same question—when are we actually gonna play this thing?

Now, as a long time GTA fan myself, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve got some high expectations and i was too eagerly waiting for this from last 10 years.

Anyway, the trailer which was released almost an year ago initially teased a 2025 release.

That time, Take-Two (Rockstar’s big boss) even said, “Yep, Fall 2025, mark your calendars.”

So fans were already planning their sick days and setting countdowns.

But now A GTA insider, Liam over at GTABase, casually dropped a bomb on Twitter that the game’s been delayed to early 2026.

Apparently, this info comes from devs at two Rockstar studios, so it’s not just some random guess.

Oh, and if you’re a PC gamer, you might wanna brace yourself—Liam’s saying the PC version could drop 12-18 months after the console launch, same thing they have done with GTA V.

Classic Rockstar, right?

Of course, this didn’t exactly go down smoothly with fans.

A lot of people are already waving this off, saying it’s not legit without more proof.

But Liam’s sticking to his guns, claiming he’s 99.9% sure it’s the real deal.

He’s even been chatting with Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier, who’s hinted that a 2026 release isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds.

Now, let’s be real—Rockstar delaying a game? Not exactly breaking news.

I mean, they’ve done it before with pretty much all their big titles. Red Dead Redemption 2 anyone? So while it’s a bummer, I’m not really shocked.

Honestly, would you rather get a rushed GTA 6 or one that absolutely blows our minds? I know which one I’m picking.

In the meantime, while we all wait (and wait… and wait), there’s always GTA Online or GTA V to keep us busy.

I’m just hoping by the time GTA 6 drops, we won’t be gaming with VR headsets in space. Guess we’ll see, huh?

Ishan Bodana is a dedicated gamer with a passion for exploring and analyzing diverse video games, offering thoughtful insights through his writing.